The Rotary Clubs of Langley


Rotarians raise money to fund community projects. They volunteer their time to make change happen.
Will you join us?

Langley Rotary Clubs Charitable Foundation

The Langley Rotary Clubs Charitable Foundation (LRCCF) was founded on November 7, 2012, and serves as the financial umbrella of the four Rotary clubs of the Langleys. It was created with the founding vision of "contributing positively in Langley and beyond", and its mission is "to encourage charitable donations from individuals of good will”.

Some causes our Rotary clubs support

Ron Cares Society

Aldergrove Bike Jam

Otter Co-op family BBQ

Township Firefighters awards night

Aldergrove High Schools Dry Grad

Ready to take the next step?

For more information about Rotary in the Langleys and surrounding area, click here.